Ahli Bedah Plastik Korea, TL Plastic Surgery Lansir Metode Pengencangan Wajah Tanpa Pembedahan dengan Keahlian Direktur Jung Yeon-ho

4월 24, 2017
Ahli Bedah Plastik Korea, TL Plastic Surgery Lansir Metode Pengencangan Wajah Tanpa Pembedahan dengan Keahlian Direktur Jung Yeon-ho

Tak mudah mencegah proses penuaan yang muncul secara wajar seiring berjalannya waktu. Namun, ada penelitian dan upaya yang terus berlanjut demi meningkatkan dan memperlambat fenomena tersebut. Hasilnya, berbagai macam tindakan medis kini tengah mengemuka dalam bidang operasi plastik di Korea. Dr Jung Yeonho, Direktur TL Plastic Surgery asal Korea, dengan pengalaman profesional selama 20 tahun, melansir metode pengencangan wajah tanpa pembedahan (non-incisional lifting), yang disebut 'TL LAFIT'.

TL Plastic Surgery Dr. Jung Yeonho
Dr. Jung Yeonho, Direktur Utama, pusat antipenuaan Korea, TL Plastic Surgery, berkata, "Metode lifting LAFIT merupakan tindakan medis yang memakai bahan baru, disebut dengan Elasticum dan sebuah melting thread. Kedua hal itu secara bersamaan mewujudkan hasil yang lebih alami dan bertahan lama. Benang yang lentur (elastic band) Elasticum tergolong halus, mirip dengan jaringan tubuh di bawah kulit (subcutaneous tissue) dan memiliki kelenturan seperti ligamen selama tindakan medis berlangsung. Dengan demikian, hasilnya terlihat alami, efek fiksasi dalam jaringan tubuh tampil dengan sempurna karena benang itu tergolong non-absorbability. Hanya sedikit pembedahan yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kerutan, serta mengencangkan kulit di tempat yang berjauhan dengan tempat pembedahan. Lebih lagi, metode ini mengurangi kerugian yang diakibatkan dari metode pengencangan kulit pada umumnya, seperti iritasi atau ketidaknyamanan saat mengubah ekspresi wajah. Karenanya, metode ini meningkatkan kelenturan wajah sebab benang tersebut berperan seperti ligamen, dan mewujudkan ekspresi wajah yang lebih alami."

Dia juga menambahkan bahwa, "Metode lifting LAFIT menggunakan benang khusus, yang dilapisi bahan polyester secara ketat pada silikon bermutu dan dilengkapi melting thread. Tak seperti metode lifting yang biasa, metode ini menjamin proses pemulihan yang lebih cepat. Tindakan medis ini mengoptimalkan tampilan wajah yang muda dalam waktu singkat, dan dagu yang lebih ramping, penghilangan kerutan wajah serta kelenturan kulit sehingga menghasilkan bentuk wajah yang tampak mungil."

Tentang TL Plastic Surgery

TL Plastic Surgery berdiri pada 2008 dan saat ini berlokasi di Gangnam. Ada 9 spesialis profesional dengan pengalaman luas dalam bidang kedokteran pada masing-masing bidang. Mereka memberikan konsultasi dan operasi pembedahan serta menyediakan layanan medis yang istimewa. Lebih lagi, berdasarkan produk asli dan kuantitatif untuk peralatan kedokteran, Botox, filler dan lifting thread yang digunakan setiap tindakan medis, keselamatan pasien menjadi prioritas utama.

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Direktur/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Konsultan] Christina Cha
[Surel] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[BBM] D60CD125

[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

TL Plastic Surgery Anti-aging Center Asal Korea, Miliki Merek Dagang 'Power V Facial Contouring Procedure'

4월 18, 2017
TL Plastic Surgery Anti-aging Center Asal Korea, Miliki Merek Dagang 'Power V Facial Contouring Procedure'

Sejalan dengan tren wajah muda (baby-face) yang menjadi patokan terbaru bagi kecantikan, lebih banyak orang yang ingin berkunjung ke ahli bedah plastik di Gangnam, Korea, demi mencari jenis operasi bedah plastik atau tindakan medis yang cocok dengan mereka. Tingginya permintaan terhadap tindakan medis itu membuat banyak klinik kesehatan yang jumlahnya kian bertambah dan dilengkapi berbagai sistem untuk tindakan medis berupa pengangkatan jaringan lemak (lift). Korea TL Plastic Surgery Anti-aging Center kini memiliki hak dagang atas 'Power V Facial Contouring Procedure'.
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center Dr. Jung Yeon Ho 

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
Perwakilan Korea TL Plastic Surgery Anti-aging Center Dr. Jung Yeon ho menjelaskan, "Power V Facial Contouring Procedure dapat menyediakan perbaikan penting bagi para pasien dengan wajah gemuk atau kendur. Metode Power V Facial Contouring Procedure menggunakan tabung tipis dari serat dengan laser yang memiliki panjang gelombang 1444nm untuk menembus lemak dan mengambil jaringan yang tak diperlukan. Waktu menjalankan tindakan medis ini sekitar 1 jam, tergolong cepat dan pasien dapat kembali menjalani kesehariannya segera setelah tindakan. Pemulihan berlangsung dalam waktu singkat dan efek garis V terlihat jelas. Itu sebabnya tingkat kepuasan pasien termasuk tinggi."
Sebaliknya, ada semakin banyak klinik yang menjalankan tindakan medis serupa tanpa disertai sistem yang baik demi mengikuti tren. Ini menyebabkan tingginya angka keluhan pasien akibat hasil yang tidak memuaskan atau efek samping setelah menjalani tindakan medis.

Menanggapi isu ini, Dr. Jung Yeon ho menambahkan, "Terlepas hebatnya teknik medis, diagnosis harus dilakukan berdasarkan usia, jaringan kulit dan tingkat penuaan pasien. Selain itu, tindakan medis harus dilakukan berdasarkan perencanaan cermat dan berbeda-beda. Dalam tindakan sedot lemak (liposuction), langkah memilih klinik dan tim medis yang sarat pengalaman menjadi hal penting, dan seseorang harus menemukan klinik yang memiliki sistem keamanan, dokter spesialis anestesi yang memang berpraktik di klinik itu serta sistem perawatan setelah tindakan dilakukan dan memilih jenis tindakan medis yang paling efektif melalui konsultasi yang cukup. Hal-hal itu ditempuh demi memperoleh hasil memuaskan."

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Direktur/Dr.Jung YeonHo

[Konsultan] Christina Cha
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[BBM] D60CD125
[Zalo] +821084637667
[Viber] +821084637667
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/ 

elasticum lifting, LAFIT

4월 17, 2017

Around mid 20s our real skin aging is processed, if you ignore your aging you will end up with saggy and weak skin elasticity also you will start to notice wrinkles. The self massage equipment and expensive facial creams only gives minor improvements. So TL Plastic Surgery will like to introduce the effective way to get perfect lifting effect.

TL LAFIT is a procedure which can help on noticeable wrinkles like smile line and fine wrinkles. Compare to other ordinary thread lifting, TL LAFIT is use of special elastic band which will give long term effect. During the LAFIT procedure the twice fixation on the skin performs high lifting effect on the skin as well as improvements on the wrinkles.

TL’s LAFIT is made of silicone which is tightly covered with polyester. Therefore tiny incision is only needed which allows patients to get fast recovery with natural and tightened lifting effect.

TL LAFIT, Band lifting is suitable for people who are willing to undergo non invasive lifting surgery with no side effects and fast recovery. This surgery will give much more natural looking appearance as well as long term effect.

 TL LAFIT, band lifting is customized lifting surgery depending on their age, skin condition therefore it results with high satisfactory results. LAFIT can easily give great effect for people who has complex due to saggy skin.

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center
For consultation:
[Director/Dr] Jung YeonHo
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Whats app] +821084637667
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[BBM] D60CD125
[Zalo] +821084637667
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Blog] tllifting.blogspot.com
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea
[Home Page] www.tlplasticsurgery.com

Neck Lift & Neck Liposuction Guide

4월 13, 2017

Neck Lift & Neck Liposuction Guide 

An appearance plays an important role to have competitive force, procedures to make a baby face are popular along with other ones to make beautiful or handsome face.
Especially it is a trend that more people prefer petit(botox, filler) plastic surgery than technical plastic surgery as they want to have better appearance fast and simply.

TL Plastic surgery Anti-aging and Lifting department we recommend the Power V which is non surgical facial contouring to make V line shaped face. This surgery is performed without bone reduction therefore the patient can expect fast recovery and may return to their daily life straight away.

The petit(Botox,filler) plastic surgery is used to fill the depressed volume and reducing the developed face muscles.

Filler, the representative petit plastic surgery, created volume on flat forehead with a simple injection and fills deep hollow lines and cheeks with an instant result.
By adding volume to short chin to make defined V line face. It can complete a slim baby face.

Botox is injected to a muscle of mastication forming a square jaw to make a face line slimmer. However this treatment only gives about 6 months effect and you need to repeat this procedure every 6~ year to maintain the result.

However TL POWER V LIFT has semi permanent effect to create most defined and sharp V line face line without bone reduction. Some patients are stilling struggling with their face line after jaw surgery(bone reduction) if you have excessive fat and skin around the jaw line even though you have done the jaw surgery you will have U line face due to those excess fat and skin. Therefore people who are willing to get V line surgery without bone reduction TL Power V is the perfect solution!

It takes about 1 hour and it does not need any bone reduction so that it attracts people who want fast effects without worrying about incision or scar.
The power V contouring can deliver very natural results because it maintains the facial ratio of a patient instead of touching ant facial bone. Since this procedure need very skilled technique you need to chose the right hospital with long term experienced doctor. 

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center
For consultation:
[Director/Dr] Jung YeonHo
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Whats app] +821084637667
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[BBM] D60CD125
[Zalo] +821084637667
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Blog] tllifting.blogspot.com
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea
[Home Page] www.tlplasticsurgery.com

Heart Line fat grafting

4월 05, 2017
Heart Line fat grafting

Anti-aging and lifting is the popular surgeries to slow down the aging process and it’s a trend for both women and men. However through beauty products it is hard to give effective result. The aged skin can create depressed are on the face this sunken areas can also create dull and tired looking. TL’s Heart Line fat grafting can give you the absolute younger and fresh looking face!

TL’s first top priority is the safely therefore TL Heart Line fat grafting will be done safely which also provides the good result. TL Heart Line is fat grafting with doctor’s long term experience to create three-dimensional look and smaller looking face. TL’s Heart line fat grafting is a process of inserting refined pure fat in layers so that the surface of the skin will appear as natural and smooth results also patient’s can expect high survival rate.

 TL Plastic Surgery Heart line fat grafting is different from fat grafting because it uses only healthy fat cells without exposing the extracted fat to air. It’s the reason to provide the safe surgery result as well as high survival rate. 

TL Plastic Surgery Heart line fat transplantation process separates pure fat using a centrifuge after liposuction. After that, the collagenase protein digestion process is done after the fat crushing operation using the fat crusher. In the case of heart line fat transplantation, the fat cells are separated from the fat using the lipo-kit, and the fat transplants are carried out, so as a result the natural and smooth line can be made. 

TL Heart line fat transplant uses only approved safe ingredients. Based on safety, anesthesiologists specializing in anesthesiologists reside and perform surgery and procedures. Heart line transplantation is a surgery that can be effective in a short period to give you much younger and anti aging effect!

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center
For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Mun Hayeyoung
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[BBM] D60CD125
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/
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