Thread Lifting Non Surgical Facelift

Maximized anti-aging effect with TL’s thread lifting personalized lifting solution

Customized solution + Reboost elasticity of skin + Resolves saggy skin + Improve wrinkles  

Various lifting treatments can be individualized customized based on the patient’s skin condition, sagging and wrinkles severity.

Thread lifting is a combination of TL’s original scientific and systemic experience, offering the optimized solution by each individual.

Revolutionary thread lifting that is especially effective in restoring elasticity. Mask V uses V-Loc, non skin damaging thread that pulls the face stronger and tighten than the existing threads.

* What is V-Loc thread used for Mask V lifting at TLPS? 

V-LOC thread is dissolvable medical product of Covidien from USA which is safe material and approved all over the world. 

TL experts provide customized solution depending on different age groups through the most accurate evaluation, enabling the patients to regain youth while getting rid of the wrinkles and droopiness at the same time. 

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